Professional Organizations
National Association for the Education of Young Children
- Member 1982-2006
- Co-Chair NAEYC Interest Forum on Children of Incarcerated Parents (CHIPS) 2004-2006.
- Consulting Editor, Young Children, Journal of the NAEYC, 1988-1995
- Public Policy Chair, San Francisco AEYC, 1986-1988
- Validator NAEYC Center Accreditation Project, 1985-
Other Organizations
- SCRAP (Scrounger’s Center for Recycled Art Parts)
Board Member, 1998-2002 - Pasadena City Commission on Children, Youth and Families,
Commissioner, 1991-1992 - Pittsburgh Children’s Museum Consultant, 2001
- San Francisco Bay Area Reggio Learning Group
member 1999-2006 - Child Development Associate Consortium,
National Representative, Infant-Toddler and Preschool, 1976-1992 - White House Conference on the Family
Delegate, Los Angeles, CA, 1980 - San Francisco Classroom Teachers Association
Field Representative, (Full time) 1976 - San Francisco Children’s Council, Board Member, 1973-1975
Sermon and Commendation
After the first edition of The Sun’s Not Broken was published in June 1984 I began a new life .
People wrote to me who were moved by the book and they moved me in turn.
Teachers and parents told me what they had accomplished after reading it: how they had taken heart and tried new things and seen children unfold and bloom .
The most moving of these responses to this work came from Dr. G. Murray Branch, my friend of some 25 years standing and now pastor of the church where Martin Luther King, Jr. was pastor at the time of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Dr. Branch invited me to preach a sermon from his pulpit on September 16, 1984, and to stay with him and his wonderful wife, Jemima, at the parsonage, the same one that was bombed during the struggle for dignity in Montgomery
I want to share this sermon with a wider audience so it is linked here.